

What is OIDC?

OpenID Connect (OIDC) is an identity layer built on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. Where OAuth 2.0 enables authorisation, granting access to data and features from one application to another, OIDC authenticates users who have requested access to web applications, establishing a login session containing information about the logged-in user. Introduced by the OpenID Foundation in 2014, many companies have adopted OIDC as an alternative to SAML 2.0 to provide Single Sign-On (SSO) to their users.

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Condatis Receive Microsoft Entra Partner Excellence Recognition for Verified ID

It's been a week since the Condatis team touched down in Edinburgh after spending a few days in Seattle at Microsoft Entra Airlift 2022. Hosted by Sue Bohn and Ankur Arora, Microsoft fuelled the event with energy, enthusiasm, and innovation, culminating with Microsoft's recognition for partners that have helped drive their vision forward across the globe, making Entra products a reality for customers everywhere. 

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