Celebrating one year of Condatis: a new brand in digital identity

11 September 2020

On 12th September 2019, Sitekit launched Condatis, a brand new unit specialising in digital identity and access management, Microsoft Azure AD B2C integration, and Self-Sovereign Identity. 

Over the past year, our brand has gone from strength to strength and achieved great things within our team and for our customers. It has been a fantastic year thanks to the support of our clients, partners, and our expert team without whom we wouldn’t be where we are today.

We look forward to continuing to achieve new feats as a business and are incredibly lucky to be able to continue to provide our services and make a difference to our customers and their users during a global pandemic.

Here are our top 10 highlights throughout the year

1. Deploying the first Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) COVID-19 rapid response software for staff movement

We developed, tested and deployed the first deployment of self-sovereign identity (SSI) digital staff passport working collaboratively with key partners Evernym, Microsoft and Sitekit Group to enable key health staff movement supporting COVID-19 response. The pandemic needed a rapid response to an urgent need. We were able to produce and deploy the Beta solution in just 10 weeks compared to a previous project forecast to run over a number of months. This first implementation of an SSI solution drastically reduces administration costs, increases service effectiveness and enables staff to move between departments flexibly.

2. Condatis and Sitekit to present at the INTEROPen Staff Access Hackathon on 21 – 22 September

Condatis and Sitekit Apps are proud to be attending and presenting at this year’s INTEROPen Staff Access Hackathon on 21st and 22nd September 2020. The hackathon will focus on Identity, Digital Staff Passports, Access Management, Authorisation and Authentication to help join up healthcare services by providing patients and medical professionals in all care settings. The new technology that we will demonstrate at the hackathon will allow secure access and improvement of staff management processes. Our team will also present two masterclasses in decentralised identity protocols and standards, including Self Sovereign Identity (SSI), and Single Sign-On decentralised identity authentication.

3. Condatis and Sitekit achieve new heights ranking in the Sunday Tech Track 100 league.

We are proud to be a part of Sitekit Group in reaching 93rd rank in the Sunday Times 2020 Sage Tech Track 100. Together with our colleagues from Sitekit Apps and Sitekit Solutions, we have provided digital identity services to store and share patient health data securely. It is an excellent achievement for our work within healthcare spaces with esteemed clients such as Nuffield Health, and NHS England London. Over the last decade, we have branched out and expanded our services to cater for other sectors that handle sensitive data such as government departments, financial services and online retail.

4. Condatis awarded Microsoft Azure Security Competency

This summer we had the privilege of gaining the new Microsoft Azure Security competency and are delighted to have achieved this so quickly! Receiving the award strengthens our position as UK market leaders in providing secure Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions using Microsoft’s Azure B2C platform.

5. Celebrating our team’s achievements

A company can only be powerful with the skills, dedication and support of its team. We are fortunate to have employees of such high calibre who have invested time in supporting each other and their professional development throughout this pandemic. Our staff have spent the year working hard at obtaining new specialised qualifications, from our qualified Microsoft Azure Security Engineer Associates, Microsoft Azure Developer Associates, Nielson Norman Group Certified UX designers, to our mini MBA holders and apprentices. We are proud of our team, and could not be where we are today without them!

6. Supporting the workforce of tomorrow with West Highland College

Sitekit group supported West Highland College through a Foundation Apprenticeship programme in IT and Software Development aimed at S5 and S6 students. We gave students the opportunity for work-based learning and to get hands-on experience. Apprentices attended fortnightly demos by the Sitekit and Condatis developer teams. The students were delivered coding projects to complete after each presentation. The programme provided excellent skills development for our developers as they had the opportunity to mentor an apprentice. Mentors supported the apprentices by offering answers and feedback on their work and supported their learning. We aimed to provide students with as much insight into what working life is actually like in business across different facets as possible. In addition to the technical aspects of the programme, apprentices got an overview of health and safety practices in the industry, teamworking, company structures and how employees contribute to the success of a business.

7. Condatis renew ISO 27001 certification.

In the spring, we passed an external assessment by UKAS accredited auditors which allows us to maintain our  ISO27001 information security standard certification. As Microsoft Azure AD B2C integrators for large organisations that handle sensitive data, this is a demonstration of our commitment to information security best practices and stems beyond our internal processes and also to the delivery of our solutions and their robust, secure nature.

8. Welcome Chris Tate, CEO and leader of the pack

In January we welcomed our new CEO, Chris Tate, who joined us from pureLiFi. Early into starting his role as CEO of Condatis, the global pandemic struck which has impacted so much of our lives and businesses. Chris has been at the forefront leading our team through global uncertainty and ensuring we continue to deliver our identity services to our customers with the same dedication, resilience and high standard that they have come to know.

9. New brand, new office

This time last year not only did we launch a new brand, but we also relocated into a stylish new office designed and fitted out by Anchorpoint Interiors. We had a brilliant office opening ceremony, and brand reveal by Kate Forbes, MSP and former CEO of ScolandIS, Polly Purvis.

It has been an exciting year for Condatis, with a number of achievements and success. The upcoming year will see us continuing to provide our services and tailored solutions, with added success and development along the way. We remain dedicated to supporting a sustainable digital economy and will remain ethical in our approach in doing so. Another huge thank you to all our team, clients, and partners. It’s time to make year 2 of Condatis another success!